By JM Swim School on Wednesday, 07 July 2021
Category: Swim Blog

What Swim Team Taught Me

The Olympics are here and everyone loves to watch the swimmers race during prime time on TV. Swimming is fun to watch but also one of the best sports to get into. Swimming has always been a big part of my life. I joined my first swim team at 7 years old and ever since, swimming has shaped my journey.

Swimming on a team has given me many friends, kept me in good physical and mental health, helped me with different jobs throughout my life, and taught me many life lessons in goal setting, dedication, and time management. I would not be where I am today without having that first dive into the pool. Swimming is much more than a sport, it can change your life. 

I love working at JMSS because it allows me to share my love for swimming with the future generations and hopefully get them to love swimming the same way I did. Being a part of a swim team is one of the best decisions I made. It gives you friends and a group to belong to throughout your education. It teaches you the importance of setting goals and working hard to attain them, and believing in yourself enough to push through the difficult challenges. It teaches you how to manage your time between academics, swimming, sleep, and free time to relax. Swimming is a whole body workout and is less prone to injury, and is one of the best cardiovascular exercises you can do.

I think back on all these wonderful things swimming has done for me and that's what motivates me when coaching. I know swimming is an incredible sport that has significant impacts that spread beyond the water. It is my goal to get kids to love swimming and stick with it so they can reap the same benefits and have the same positive experiences I did.

See you at the pool!

Coach Collin